Mobile Happenings: Kind Words & Illustrative Images

Mobile Happenings: Kind Words & Illustrative Images

Have you ever noticed how mobile phones are really an extension of the modern human mind? Well, I wanted to share a couple things that recently came across my mind.

First up, Linda Guzman shared some extremely kind words on Facebook:

Beauty from ashes: 13th anniversary of cycling accident epic faceplant that destroyed my smile, and 3rd anniversary of my favorite dentist RESTORING my smile.

Dr. Nicole Vane, you rock!

Thanks Linda! You rock! And your smile looks FANTASTIC!

Second, if you’re not following @dentiphoto on Instagram, go do it now! I’ll wait!

They are always posting some of the best photos of dentistry that illustrate dental concepts really well. The photo above is a great cross section that shows decay being removed.


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